Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist and a Music Composer

About Usicly

Usicly is a holistic online platform for music lovers, artists, and learners. We are dedicated to forming a global community of music and dance connoisseurs where everyone is allowed to learn, perform, enjoy music, participate in group discussions, and buy musical instruments. Whether you want to pursue music and dance as a hobby or a career, here you can find everything needed.

We have built a community of the finest folk artists, singers, and performers who can be booked for any event like a wedding party or birthday. Moreover, we have carefully curated experienced music and dance teachers who can assist students with both online and offline learning modules.

How It Work


As a music e-commerce platform, we will be driven by innovative ideas for establishing direct-to-consumer connections between artists and fans. Also, we aim to become India’a largest online music store that will help artists and other related parties run their e-commerce operations.

With new opportunities across the digital landscape, we also aim to assist fledging artists to grow their careers through concerts, backstage performances, virtual merchandise, and digital artwork.


Usicly aims to become one of the largest global platforms for providing easy access to music teachers, artists, instruments, and courses. Its vision is to become one of the largest online platforms for learning music, finding suitable artists, and also exploring one’s opportunities for growth and development as an artist.


We wholeheartedly respect the law of our country and observe ethical practices in our business. Moreover, we abide by data and security practices to prevent online fraud and hacking.